Friday 22 November 2019

Good Green: The City To Allocate Funds for Outdoor Spaces

Good news for nature lovers: the City of Moose Jaw is allocating significant funding over the next few years for parks and outdoor spaces.

Between 2020 and 2023, $53,000 is planned for Crescent Park alone, as are upgrades worth $220,500 for the Rotary Trail, and $576,000 for amenity repairs in several public parks.

This year, work was started on cleaning the 90-year-old Serpentine river or “Spring Creek” on the east side of Cresent Park. That project will continue over the next two years.

The proposed future improvements to Moose Jaw’s “jewel” will also include replacing garbage bins with decorative animal-proof bins, stone wall and fence repairs and replacements, signage updates, and building upgrades.

Projects in other parks include the replacement of “hundreds” of sprinkler heads, completing the grandstand at Ross Wells Park, and replacing ageing playgrounds in Clark Gilles Playground and Moose Square.

The Parks and Recreation Department will hold off on the proposal of any new park amenities until all existing repairs are complete.

On top of park funding, nature lovers will also be happy to learn that the city plans to allocate nearly $72,000, just for tree care in Moose Jaw’s parks, boulevards, and public spaces.

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