Wednesday 13 November 2019

Most successful Harvard Business School Graduates

Walter Haas Jr., class of 1939

Haas succeeded his father as the CEO of Levi Strauss & Co, growing it from a regional California brand to one of the world’s biggest apparel companies.

Philip Caldwell, class of 1942

Caldwell took over as the first non-Ford family member to run Ford Motor Company, where he led one of the biggest turnarounds in American business history.

Stephen R. Covey, class of 1957

Covey became tremendously influential after publishing his bestselling book “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.”

Michael Bloomberg, class of 1966

After receiving his MBA, Bloomberg went on to found financial data company Bloomberg LP in 1981 before serving three terms as the mayor of New York City. An active philanthropist, Bloomberg has donated over $6 billion to a range of causes.

Henry Paulson, class of 1970

Paulson spent 32 years at Goldman Sachs, working his way up to CEO. From 2006 to 2009 he served as the US Treasury Secretary, up until the financial crisis. Now he’s chairman of the Paulson Institute, which promotes sustainable economic growth and a clean environment.

Darren Huston, class of 1994

darren huston
Darren Huston became president and CEO of popular travel booking service Priceline in early 2014, after spending almost three years as CEO of Microsoft Japan. Huston was also the CEO of, and has served as senior vice president of branded products and new ventures at Starbucks.

Sheryl Sandberg, class of 1995

Sandberg is largely credited with making Facebook profitable. The 1995 HBS alum initiated a global conversation about women and work with her bestselling book “Lean In.”

Jenn Hyman and Jenny Fleiss, class of 2009

Hyman and Fleiss were classmates at HBS and went on to cofound Rent the Runway. The e-commerce fashion company is valued at $1 billion as of March 2019, after their latest fundraising round, which brought $125 million from Franklin Templeton Investments and Bain Capital Ventures.

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