Monday 6 April 2020

Darren Huston Canada, UWC Adriatic 1983 - 85

When Darren Huston was talking about his life and career, he was shocked by the fact that his audience consisted of many young travelers from around the world and that all UWC alumni also travel - in fact, UWCers As they do so very widely!

Alumni are not just the “primary outcome" of UWC. They are also a source of sometimes unexpected ways to support fundraising for scholarships. During that visit Darren Huston gave a memorable lecture to the College students and came up with an idea for a Bookingdotcom.So – Darren Huston thought – how about creating a way for the Alumni to give to the College simply by using

The grant is open-ended and variable and depends on our alumni booking, making students and staff members through bookingdotcom: the higher the booking, the higher the grant!When the grant amount reaches the value of the scholarship, it is allocated to a student as a Bookingdotcom scholarship.

So, when using the services provided by, whether for holidays or work-related travel, please remember to use this link and why not ask friends and relatives to use it too? No additional costs are involved and you will be contributing to supporting future generations of young “travellers of the mind”! 



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